Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Vogue And Silicon Valley

I think it's great that Vogue writers are now talking about dating in Silicon Valley.  When I think of Vogue, I think of high fashion...  The gal in the article talks about dating in Silicon Valley.  She moved here from New York and has seen the same things I've seen - pouting, odds being good, goods being odd, plethora of married men, et al.  Basically, although there are more men than women in the San Francisco Bay Area, dating is not easier here.

I think dating might even be harder in Bay Area because the single men women actually want to date are few and far between.  I've met plenty of guys who look like they haven't showered in weeks, haven't gotten a haircut in months, and haven't shaved in years.  Traditionally speaking, those are not guys women want.  Like the author, I've also met many guys who pout when they don't get their way, and expect you to bow down at their accomplishments and bank accounts.


  1. bahahahah.. going to BJ's in Cupertino and expect to pick up guys there is the WORST idea ever! I grew up in Cupertino, it's suburbia where families reside. The people that would be there at that time would be either: 1) just grabbing an after work drink with the team 2) Married people who live in the area.

    Single people who work at Apple vacate back to SF or other areas as soon as possible. The author works in fashion and she's complaining about cliques? Come on. If she wants to meet people, she needs to take ownership, stop hiding behind her phone/laptop, learn how to strike up conversations with strangers. Although BJ's is still the worst place ever for what she's looking for...

    1. Thanks, Anon! If I should ever find myself in Cupertino, not going to BJ's!

  2. Dang, the article I posted in response to your last post would have made much more sense here. Oh well.

    I absolutely love the phrase: The odds are good but the goods are odd.

    However, I beg to differ on your description of what women DON'T want. I actually prefer men who are rough around the edges. Though I may work in the FiDi, I abhor the men/scene here. Pretty boys are gross. Give me a scruffy Mission hipster over these douchebags any day! Haha.

    The key takeaway here for me is that you are NOT going to find someone prowling around a bar or on Tinder. You'll find someone in the course of doing things you love. Because not only will you already have something in common, but he'll meet you when you're at your best (because you're doing something you love). That's my $.02.

    1. I thought every one except me had already seen that article? LOL, I can post it.

      You like scruffy and clean, not scruffy and unshowered?

      That is good advice, thank you! I think the things I love are a bit "girly," which might be problematic, LOL

    2. Maybe you'll find a metrosexual guy who will be perfect for you while doing the girly things you love! ;)

      (And yes, scruffy but clean though I don't mind skipping the occasional shower - and I'm anti-cologne.)

  3. Suburbs aren't the best place for young single people, which is why most of us reside in cities. I know a lot of singles that live in Silicon Valley because living in SF too far from their jobs and they don't want to spend 3 hrs a day commuting. But it has to be really hard to meet someone.

    1. I used to think people in the suburbs were worse off when it came to finding other singles. Then I saw this article a few years ago
