Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Definition Of Insanity

I've heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. What have I been doing (or done in the past) to meet a guy that hasn't worked:
  • OkCupid
  • Going through coworkers, friends, and acquaintances
  • Match.com and their horrible Stir events
  • eHarmony
  • Being seen in grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, the mall, movie theaters, dry cleaners, laundromats, various parks, bars and clubs (on weekends), sandwich shops during lunch Mon-Fri, parties, events (alumni and networking), sporting events (baseball, football, and hockey), lobbies of tall office buildings
  • Hiking
  • Walking along the Embarcadero and water in the Marina
What does this leave me?  Am I brave enough to post a Craigslist ad?  I met someone who told me her friend met her guy on Craigslist


  1. I'm in the EXACT same situation. I keep trying to stop using OkCupid especially because I'm convinced it has done me more harm than good. But I've kind of gotten addicted with my routine of browsing the site while watching the Daily show lol.

    Any ways, I'm at the point where I think I want to try being content with single life and just let shit happen on it's own. I've been afraid to do this because I feel that I develop some bad habits while I'm single.

    But it might be a good thing for you. I've found that just when you stop looking that's the moment you find what you were looking for.

    1. Just heard a story about a guy and girl on their way to happily ever after, they met on OkC.

      Lol, bad habits...I'm sure everyone develops single or paired up.

      I've stopped and restarted the looking thing a lot. Unfortunately, it doesn't make a difference, end result is the same

  2. Really perplexed by your lack of success at the hospital.


    1. Yes, unfortunately, I've had to spend quite a bit of time in hospitals over the last couple of months

    2. Can't blame a girl for trying! I always spot hot injured athletes in my sports medicine doctor's waiting room. You never know where you'll meet someone!

    3. That's awesome! I was hoping I'd see some cuties, no dice

  3. You're not insane, you're trying! My friend met her now-fiance on Craigslist. Another friend met her husband when he sat next to her on the airplane. My brother met his wife in a bar when she was wearing sweatpants and in a horrible mood. And the weirdest I've heard, an acquaintance and her fiance met at a sleep disorder clinic.

    1. Those are some excellent examples, thank you! Lol, sleep clinic, that is hilarious. I like hearing about couples who meet doing everyday activities. Were any of these in SF?

    2. Sleep clinic was Oakland, does that count? ;)
