Friday, December 2, 2016

Clean Slate

I've recovered from the flu and this weekend, I'm going to go on a few dates with guys who've I've been putting off for the past several weeks or months.  I've put them off for a variety of reasons, including one or more of the following: our calendars don't match up, I have the flu, and I'm not really that interested.

My goal is to meet all of them before the end of the year.  Why?  No, not cuffing, I don't feel like I need to have someone for the rest of the holiday season.  I want meet these guys ASAP because if I don't like any of them (and I suspect I won't), I don't have to bring that looming date with so-and-so into the new year with me.  There's no "I still have to go out with that guy who's been texting me."

New year, new start.  If I do like any of of these guys, I'll have to like them a whole lot.  I truly want to take a break to recharge and have a clean slate.


  1. I'm confused as to why you go into dates with a negative attitude, saying you "probably" won't like them. I get that you want to protect yourself from disappointment, but you're not doing yourself or the guy favors if you approach the date negatively. How about changing your perspective? Like "I'm glad I have the chance to meet so many different people."

    1. I'm being realistic. If these guys were people I was very interested in, I would have already gone out with them versus waiting weeks or months. Why am I going? Because they are very persistent and I'll give them a chance. It would be great if they surprise me and knock my socks off. I'm just being prepared

  2. I'm convinced these "anonymous" posters are men. B cause god knows the dating pool is full of weirdos and deception. I have to force myself on each one now. When I first started I was full of positivity. Then the men started talking. 😂

    1. LOL, they could be men!!! I'm sorry you feel like you have to force yourself to go on each date. That has certainly been something I've had to do too...

  3. I mean, I would go even with the negative attitude just because you never now and what if...I think I´d rather have low expectations than face a disappointment....surprise!
