Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back To Basics

Okay, I am going to take this a step further.  I will continue my two date rule, but I will ONLY date guys that I find attractive.  Yes, brains are hot, personality is hot, sense of humor is hot, etc.  However, I have dated all these guys and I didn't find them all.  It doesn't matter how funny he is or how he can build complex financial models.  At the end of the day, if I am not attracted to him, it is doomed.

This is what I am calling going back to basics.  I think back to college and how I didn't care what he was studying, what he wanted to be when he grew up, etc.  The only thing that mattered: do I think he is hot?

I know this could be difficult, but it shouldn't.  I just need to stop knowing what school he went to, where he works, how big his house is, etc.

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