Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CNN Talks Online Dating

Read this article today.  Hilarious!

While we are on the topic, let's talk about online dating.  I have a stalker and might be crazy.  Red flags include:
  1. He wants to know where I went to school, where I am from, where I work, where I live, etc.  With technology these days, it's a bit too easy to figure out my identity.
  2. He has my number and always calls when he sees me online
  3. He has sent me over 15 texts with me only replying to two (early on)
  4. He texts me at hours I deem inappropriate to see where I am
  5. Did I mention I have not seen him in person and don't plan on it either?  Safety first kids

Friday, August 12, 2011

No Focus

Okay, as much I talk about wanting to find "the one," I don't think I am focused.  I a lot going on with work and my living situation right now.  No more roommates for me.

I actually do believe people can do what they want to do when they are focused.  I was focused on getting out of where I was living.  Something happened which triggered me to KNOW I needed to move.  Even in this ridiculous rental market, I found a new place in an area I want to live in with a huge walk in closet in a record eight days. 

One day, I will wake up and just know I want to find the guy; sounds crazy, but I think that's when I will find him.

Monday, August 8, 2011

No Dice

This doesn't happen to me often (if ever at all...sorry, don't mean to sound conceited, but I mean it)...he didn't call.  The 30 something year old white guy didn't call.  I was also there, it was a little awkward, but I do think it was okay enough to warrant a second go around.  Either I am totally off or?  I have heard that I am scary and always come off as disinterested.  This is probably true.  However, does that really drive a guy away if he is really into a girl?