Sunday, April 5, 2015

A New Leaf

So this last chance guy has turned a new leaf.  We went to a very nice dinner over the weekend and talked a lot.  He seems pretty genuine this time around.  What motivates a guy to set things in motion?  Knowing that he's about to be disqualified.  I didn't need to tell him this.  Guys know when they do something wrong.


  1. "Knowing he's about to be disqualified." Hahaha, so true.

  2. Question: when it comes to dating, do you wait for the guy to ask you out or do you ask them out say if you have been dating a few months but nothing has been established? I think the men in SF expect the women to be more aggressive.

    1. I have a traditional view of dating and wait for the guy to ask me out. If he doesn't, I think, he just isn't interested enough and I want someone who is interested

      Sure, there are many aggressive women in SF, but I believe that's the man's role. I want a man, not a boy

  3. Do you think guys still feel that they should make all the effort?
    Any men out there who want to comment? I could use the advice

    1. I think so...

      Guys, feel like adding your two cents?
