Friday, November 16, 2012

The Exclusivity Question

Many many months ago, Smart Guy hinted at exclusivity...three or four times.  I successfully thwarted all of these discussions.  Now, the question is, why is he still hanging around??  He's not "getting any," I am not his girlfriend, I'm not that fun when I am with him, etc.  He can't be that bored/lonely?  It's not like I live across the street from him.  He needs to drive at least an hour to see me (that's each way, not round trip). 

In the past, I have made him insecure with my constant OkCupid updates (this was not intentional, I just like to update my pictures...a lot).  I have also blown him off by ignoring all his attempts to reach me (this was absolutely intentional and probably not great for his ego).  So, why is he still asking me out?  Does he lack options?  Is he delusional?  Does he think I will change my mind and really want to be his girlfriend?  We met in July, he started hinting at it in August (too early in my book), and it's now November.  We've been talking for four months (which is longer than a lot of my recent relationships, I like to cut it short when I know it's all wrong...not saying this isn't all wrong).

He has been trolling on OkC almost nonstop.  This does not bother me, but I do find it curious...especially since he tells me he doesn't use it (liar).  So, setting the lie aside, it doesn't bother me because: 1) I don't want to be his girlfriend or 2) with his personality and issues, I don't think he can do better (even without his issues, his personality or lack thereof would be a great deterrent).  I am a catch and I know it, not being arrogant, just aware.

Why am I still talking about this guy (I am very sick of talking about this guy, probably as sick as you are for having to hear about him)?  Maybe I am that bored.  I am sure he has no future potential, so why am I doing this to myself (and you)?  Am I delusional or that bored?

Smart Guy's probably confused too since most of the ladies want boyfriends...some ladies aren't even that picky.  I have dodged it like it's my job.


  1. yeah he has too much time on his hands. Doesn't sound very smart to me.

    1. Lol, we've proven book smart does not equal street smarts (again).

  2. A guy has to earn that monopoly on your time! If he's insecure about your OkC updates and seeing other men... he ought to be! He should try to be a boyfriend to you to win you over, not be a tool.

  3. Ive just came across your blog and have been trying to follow this "Smart Guy" storyline. It seems to me that YOU are the insecure one which is why you constantly make these posts to try to convince yourself that you aren't. It is apparent you like him but your logic seems like that of an immature child.

    1. Let me guess, you are a guy and no girls like you? Or, you are a girl and can't get a boyfriend to save your life. Smart Guy wasn't good enough for me; I knew it, but tried to talk myself into liking him because he is good on paper and cute.
