Friday, December 19, 2014

I Am Cancelling

I am cancelling tomorrow night's date with the Much Older Guy.  I don't see this going anywhere and I don't want to waste my time.  I am not attracted to him no matter how I splice it.  His age is not the problem, his weight is.  He's a bit lecherous and very obese.  I can feel the angry comments coming, so no, I don't think there's anything wrong with being obese, it's just not for me.  If you'd like to call me shallow, fine.


  1. I'm with you. There are certain things for me that I KNOW won't work, even if I give someone a chance. There are exceptions, but I think it's easier to make exceptions when it's someone you already know and like, rather than someone you just met. Also it's one thing to give someone a second chance when you think it could be a slow burn, but if he's someone you know for a fact you could never be attracted to, there's no sense in wasting his time, or yours. Just because someone seems good on paper doesn't mean it will work.

    1. Hi TJ, LOL, we all have our dealbreakers. You are right, much easier to make exceptions if you already know the person!

  2. I'm the one who usually gives you a hard time but I'm with you on this. No need to waste anybody's time here. I once met the guy and loved his personality but wasn't attracted to his body type and height... I couldn't imagine ever wanting to even kiss him... Hang out - yes. Make out - no. If you know nothing is gonna happen - why string him along? So good job. No amount of money is worth being with someone who's revolting to you...

    1. Thank you! Hahaha, revolting is a great word to describe these feelings

  3. If you're not attracted to someone, then you're not. Some things you can look past and other things you can't. For me, that's height/stature... I can't date men who could fit into my jeans.

    1. I used to think attraction could grow, not sure anymore

  4. Isn't a short-notice cancelation just as bad as a short-notice date invitation (a pet peeve of yours)? -OG

    1. I don't mind short min cancellations. It hasn't happened much, but I never see them again. I hope this guy never wants to see me again

    2. And I gave him 24+ hours notice which is much more than the guys who contact me for short notice dates

    3. the flip side argument is that a cancelation is worse than a short-term invitation. In an invitation, it's no harm no foul if you were busy - the level of investment by both parties is low. However in a cancelation, men who generally bear the burden of planning the date will have lost that investment in time and deferred plans with others. tlr; careful what you commit to in the first place. general good etiquette in my book. -OG

    4. What would you prefer, your date flinching every time you touch him/her and clock watching or him/her cancelling?

    5. And, how much time do you get to decide if you want to go on another date? 3 seconds because they are on the phone waiting for an answer

    6. You not obligated to provide a response right away. Just be honest. If you want more time, say - I have to think about it or I have to check my schedule and other obligations. -OG
