Monday, March 10, 2014

My Goodness

My goodness, what a little b*tch.  The Brain told our mutual friends that I am ignoring him.  He's also asked them to call me about it.  Haha, are we five years old?  He needs to get used to being ignored, there's a lot more where that came from.  He's been asking me to last minute dinners again.  He's just getting what he deserves, nothing, not even a response!  If he was a nice guy, I'd feel bad about this; however, he's slimy and I want nothing to do with him.


  1. I wonder what's wrong with last minute dinners? In my boyish parlance accepting that just implies that I'm in an adventurous mood and rejecting a one reveals me as a bit of a wuss for the evening.

    1. Hey Ivan, I find it to be quite rude and inconsiderate. It implies that I don't have a life and can jump when he says jump. Or, that I would cancel whatever I have going on to have dinner with him

    2. I've had guys accuse me of being boring for not accepting last-min dates (for a first or second date). I'm the opposite of boring, but I like to plan my time and sometimes, I'm not in the mood to get dolled up for a date.

      Like AG said, I also don't want to set a precedence of dropping everything for a guy.

    3. I'd not expected a girl to say 'yes' to every last minute date(thus it's not jumping when guys say jump), but sometimes great things happen when two(or more) people resonate in this 'last minute' adventurous mood:)

      Anyway, got your point :)

  2. Ugh, a part of me feels bad because of my own experiences with the ex. But I remember you explaining how awful he is. It is pretty crazy that he STILL reaches out to you. I was with my ex for 5 years and she still has some of my stuff. Didn't you guys only date for a short while? That's bordering on wait, that IS psycho.

    1. Hey J, she still has some of your stuff? That's tough, hope you can get it back...or just run?

      Yeah, me and The Brain went out for a couple of weeks...he's pretty pathetic

    2. Meh, it's complicated. It will sort itself out eventually. After 5 years, it's kind of hard to just disappear forever.
