Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drunken Night Out

What a drunken evening. I might puke.

Went to a house party filled with finance professionals (private equity guys, bankers, hedge fund guys, etc). There were actually a lot of women present. Also a lot of Then went to a club.

I am just learning about a group of Asian women who live in San Francisco. They are bright, attractive, and ruthless. They shack up with powerful, intelligent, rich men. One girl was living with another guy, met her current guy in the same apt complex, and moved in with him. Wow.

There are some slutty girls out there. You know, the ones who call guys when the bars close and go over their houses. Ugh. Saw/heard a couple of those at work.

My roommate and I discussed Felix. I told him I would be interested in learning more about Felix. He called Felix and left a very drunk message. Felix called back today, but I have no idea what they discussed. Drama?

Arthur called. Uh, maybe he doesn't get it? Haven't returned his call.

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