Friday, October 10, 2014

A Cheap Ring?!?

This video is crazy and applies to a segment of the population I don't fall into.  The video says if a guy spends less than $2K for a ring vs. spending $2-$4K on a ring, the chances of staying married is higher with the < $2K ring.  Maybe because they don't have enough money to get a divorce?  I have purses that cost more than $2K.  Ridiculous


  1. I'm sure there is something else going on here. Maybe it's that they value things more than people.

    1. $4K is still low. If they said $500K, I might see it

    2. 500k for a ring?!
      Even with 4k you could go on a great trip.
      But to each their own.

  2. You sound batshit insane. You do know that not everyone lives in an expensive city and makes six figures. While I may have those things, I'd gladly take a plastic toy ring if I found true love and he wanted to spend his life with me. Cheap rings > swiping on Tinder all day long.

    1. I do realize not everyone is like us living in an expensive city and making 6 figs, and many of us probably also grew up wealthy. That's not something I'm willing to compromise. So, you'd be okay with a guy giving you a plastic ring, making $12k a year bagging groceries and didn't want to do anything else with his life, but loved you to death?

    2. I will also add, there is nothing wrong with a guy loving his job of bagging groceries making $12K a year, he's just not the guy for me

  3. Love is overrated.

    1. Thank you!!! I feel that way too. If I knew who you were, I'd give you a big kiss (man or woman), lol

  4. You know, I've been reading your blog for awhile now, out of pure curiosity about how it is "out there" these days, since I've been off the dating market for years... I think we're the same age though so please believe me when I say I'm not a harping old lady :) However, I enjoy it less and less. You sound more and more like an entitled spoilt... girl. You sounded a bit more grounded and likable just a couple of years ago.

    1. Glad you found your guy! I am less confused and more confident in what I know I deserve (and that's not to deal with guys who put me down, are passive aggressive, cheap, judgmental, etc). Also more okay with never finding "the one" because if I have to compromise 99% of the time, it's not worth it to me. Sorry you feel that way, wish you the best
