Sunday, July 20, 2014

Man Up

I don't know who Matt Walsh is, but several people have sent this to me over the past month.

This is what I'm talking about!  Guys - be decisive, take charge, and man the f*ck up.


  1. Saw that recently too - adore that article! It needs to spread like wildfire :)

  2. Great article. I have already started spreading it to friends. This guy is right on!

  3. Not defending men here, BUT let's face it, a lot of women in 2014 claim they want a "real man" but then behave like the man themselves. If you want a guy to "man up", then you need to play the part of a feminine woman. Don't ask him out first (or even hint at it), don't pick the date location, don't tell him what to order or give him directions on how to get there. Unless he picks a date spot that is really inconvenient, don't challenge it. Don't accept last minute dates and refuse to go out with a group of his friends on date 2.

    1. Hey Sabrina, I'm totally with you. So, how do we go about fixing this if many ladies have taught men to be wusses? As you know, I don't do any of the items you mentioned

  4. I completely agree with you, Sabrina! Guess I was just thinking of the article from my point of view, because I try to play the part of a lady...but I do have girlfriends who are totally clueless and who almost have it coming when guys mistreat them!

  5. What are your thoughts about who pays the bill on the date? Do you even offer? Do you split it?

    1. I never pay and I never offer to pay. Donald Trump said something along the lines of it's improper for a woman to pay for a meal (or something like that). It could also be a cultural thing, I'm Asian and yes, my parents think it's preposterous for a gal to pay because the guy is supposed to show he is capable of providing

    2. If it's more than a cocktail (like a meal or 2 drinks each), I always offer to split. 98% of guys insist on paying, but I think they appreciate the gesture.

    3. AG, you mentioned Donald Trump and you lost all credibility. Just sayin.

  6. Ok thanks. I'm going on date no 2 tomorrow and we are meeting for drinks and dinner. Not sure how to do this.
